By Sandi Hunter To be a successful online marketer, liken yourself to being a dog chewing on a bone. That means gnarling away hungrily to post and promote every day – or at least as often as you can. You can’t expect to make sales if you don’t constantly gnaw on that bone called promotion. […]
Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch August 9, 2013.
This is a basic review of the LIVE training session, for the entire program and discussion watch the recorded version. Introductory Notes: George Kosch, bootcamp instructor welcomed members to the live weekly training session. George reminded participants that Worldprofit’s 19th Birthday offer is on now but will expire Aug 31, 2013. Watch your email for […]
Review: Live Home Business Bootcamp Training with Marketing Expert George Kosch. Presented by Worldprofit Inc.
Training Date: June 28, 2013. Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch welcomed members to the live training session. He started the program with an overview of the Worldprofit Live Business Center along with a demonstration of how it works and how members benefit from this unique sales system. George discussed how the Monitors help […]