Worldprofit Members… (The following is Lesson 89 from Worldprofit’s online Bootcamp Lessons: Facebook Marketing. Worldprofit Members can access ALL the lessons on the LEFT MENU under HOME BUSINESS BOOTCAMP section) . Worldprofit Members have unlimited access to over 100 training lessons on marketing, social media, SEO, ebooks and more. The online lessons are a complimentary […]
Worldprofit introduces two Facebook Marketing Courses to the training material included for Silver and Platinum VIP Members.
We’ve just added not one, but TWO Facebook marketing courses to Worldprofit’s Silver and Platinum VIP Memberships. Home Business Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch gives these courses both a TWO THUMBS UP! Worldprofit Members get: Facebook Marketing Secrets, and… Facebook Video Course The courses are FREE for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. –> Access […]
Review: Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training Jan 31, 2014 with Instructor George Kosch.
Home Business Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch started the training by sharing an technical support ticket from a Silver Member asking for help. She stated what kind of promotion she was doing and was asking why she wasn’t getting the results expected. He then went through a demonstration for the benefit of ALL members, showing exactly […]