Recently in the Friday Bootcamp training sessions and in a Monitor Meeting May 29th, Worldprofit CEO and Co-Founder, George Kosch revealed progress updates and the most recent developments for Worldprofit’s new LIVE BUSINESS CENTER (LBC).
TODAY, just this morning we launched the new LBC for preliminary testing purposes with our Members and all went extremely well.
We’ve already identified and made some tweaks based on this initial test. We need real users in the system for the best possible testing.
Thank you to Worldprofit Monitors, Lisa Martiniuk and Brian Armstrong for your help and patience with the first test.
Testing will resume again this week, thank you to all our Monitors and Members for your patience as we do so.
We are very excited ! The benefits and power of this new technology for our members, to help you grow your online business is incredible..
Watch for more announcements in the upcoming week.
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