It’s a brand new year. It’s time to shake off the idea that you are just an affiliate marketer, just a Biz-Opper, posting OTHER people’s programs, products and services without any significant personal gain.
It’s time to start thinking like a BIZ OWNER! You can still promote any number of affiliate programs as a BIZ OWNER, but here’s the BIG difference….
Business Owners can make more money.
Business Owners take the time to learn, then follow a systematic approach to marketing.
Business Owners are deemed more accountable and command far more respect, credibility and trust.
Business Owners know the strategies to earn money not just today, but to keep income growing for years to come.
Business Owners can continue to GROW their business, even if their affiliate programs change by following a few simple steps.
Business Owners know that just one purchase from a customer can lead to a LIFETIME of business.
Business Owners who master marketing tactics set themselves up to evaluate their marketing campaigns, generate steady traffic, continuous leads, and ever-growing sales figures.
Business Owners can take advantage of tax laws to write off some expenses!
Business Owners feel good about themselves. They aren’t simply peddlers of someone else’s products. They have their own customer base, they can pick and choose what they sell and to whom. They can go to sleep at night feeling good about what they do as a professional. There is a definite self satisfaction and respect about being a business owner.
Here’s how to morph into a Business OWNER.
Get yourself your own domain based website, a site where you convey professionalism, one that you can add any or all the affiliate links you like, insert paid advertising, sell product, capture leads, build your newsletter, and so forth. It all starts with an actual domain based website. I have been recommending this for 23 years now. For those of you who listened to me you have now had your own domain based website for over two decades and the whole time you’ve been promoting YOUR own business (not someone else) every time you post your URL. Google has likely indexed your site thousands of times by now and you should have pretty good search engine ranking. Older established domains get more respect from Google then do newer sites. After this many years you should have some steady, legitimate traffic to your site, a factor that also bodes well with Google. Another plus is this. You likely have lots of external links to your site through your own efforts, and other social media outlets, valuable when Google ranks your site. Hopefully you have grown your sales numbers over that time too! That’s the beauty of having an online business, it grows if you take care for it. If you don’t haven’t got a domain now, it’s not too late, book one for about $10 to $20. Add to that the cost of hosting at about $100 and you are on your way.
Let’s look at GROWING your own online business, here’s how.
If you want people to take you seriously as a reputable business owner you’ve got to get serious yourself.
1. Think like a business owner not a bizopper. YOU are in charge. You run the show. You pick the products and services you will promote under your business umbrella. Act like a professional, think about sales figures like a professional. If a product or service looks sketchy or scammy you avoid it. There are thousands and thousands of quality products and services to sell online, or develop and create your own things to sell. Affiliate marketers are a resourceful bunch. Your website will be your online office. Your kitchen table is your head office.
2. Make good decisions. Now that you have some idea of what to sell, where will you promote? How often will you promote? What is your budget for advertising? What’s your promotion plan? What kind of advertising will you book? What are your trusted advertising and traffic sources? How will you evaluate the effective of your ads and your sources? If none of this is familiar to you, you need help, read to the end of this article for assistance.
3. Be realistic. Don’t fall victim to hype anymore, think, assess, then DO. You know full well you are not going to get rich overnight doing an online business. If you are lucky you may make a few bucks in the first week, hundreds of bucks after a few months. Building a successful online business will take time, it will take effort. With an actual system to follow and some training and support your success odds are far higher. For such a system, read to the end of this article for assistance.
4. Stop buying all the latest get rich products that overload your email box. Start realizing that the secret to making money online comes down to 5 things:
1. Having something of quality to sell. 2 Ability to promote the heck out of it. 3. Having acess to a trusted source of leads and quality traffic.
4. Knowing how, why and where to grow your own email marketing list. 5. Willingness to do the WORK – consistently – to get the RESULTS and see your business grow over time.
5. Learn to be a SELLER instead of a buyer. For too long you’ve been buying up products promising you sure-success. Stop it. Stop it right now. Switch your mind set to being a SELLER. YOU are going to be the one to SELL products, promote stuff and make sales. It takes some people along time to understand this. Your success will not come from a Get Rich Software package, or a new revealing ebook, or a grand money scheme. Your success will come from understanding what it means to be a SELLER. Learn how and what to sell and you are on your way to consistent online income. Who knows you may even develop your own products or services to sell! This can be Ebooks, Software, Traffic, Copy Writing, Article Writing, How To Writing, SEO services, Social Media Consultant, Content Blogger, Website Developer, etc. The list goes on. Craft your special skill or ability into something you can sell on your website.
6. Be a list owner and a list builder. Grow your own buyer list instead of gettng on everyone else’s list, learn how to get prospects on YOUR own list. Every successful business owner, online and off, has access to an email marketing list. This list is critical. Why? On this list are buyers, people who have either expressed an interest in your product or services, or who have bought from you in the past. These are both customers and prospective buyers, real people who may very likely buy from you again. Build this list, grow this list, nurture this list. These people are extremely valuable to your bottom line. How do you build a list? If you are not sure, read to the end of this article and I will tell you.
7. Expand your online portfolio to create multiple streams of income.
As a smart BIZ Owner you understand that sales growth means increasing your online portfolio over time so you can sell more products, you can promote more, you can put money back in to your business to keep it growing. You don’t have all your eggs in one basket. You’ve selected a few businesses, sites, products, affiliates etc to focus on and don’t allow yourself to get distracted by other things that don’t result in a direct source of income. You are done with dabbling, done with wasting time on things that don’t matter. Your focus, your drive is all on creating mutiple streams of income from reliable sources.
8. Expand your marketing reach. Successful marketers know it’s not enough to advertise in just one place, or even in just a few places. You can start with one, grow to three or four, but over time to GROW your business you have to expand your marketing reach. Test new sources, evaluate marketing effectiveness. Test your ads. Analyze the hits, clicks, leads. Explore Facebook marketing, newsletters, social media, safelists, traffic exchanges, optins, special offers, solo ads, banner ads, text ads and more. If you are not sure how to do this, read to the end of this article and I will tell you.
9. Leverage. Think Big. Act Big. You may not be a millionaire yet but you can think like one. Millionaires have lots of friends, partners, allies, collaborations, and colleagues. They wheel and deal. They barter, they swap, they network. They stay in contact with key people. They offer something to get something. As your email marketing list (buyer list) grows you have leverage. Leverage allows you to offer something to someone else in your niche in exchange for something of equal value.
10. Be the Boss. Wake up every day and do the WORK for yourself and not someone else. When you are a BIZ owner there isn’t anyone to rely on but yourself. This means hauling your butt out of bed every day and getting down to business. Maybe you do the work early in the morning, maybe you do it late at night, but you find the TIME to DO IT on a regular basis so you don’t lose your focus. Biz oppers are dabblers, they get to their promotion when they get to it, or not at all. They may take a week or two off then fade off into something new and different. Lost focus, lost time, lost efffort, lost income.
11. Develop vision. See that the work you DO to day to grow your business will make you money now, and for years to come.
Be in it to win it. Stop being a dabbler – start being a DO-er. Create your own successful future. Too many peeple in all walks of life and business, give up too soon. They put in a little time, a little efffort don’t get BIG reults so they quit. The Internet offers so many ways to earn money, it’s truly incredible. Those who focus, find the right things to promote and stick with it simply get results. How great the result is based on hard you work. Knowing what to do and where to focus is the key, more on that at the end of this article.
12. Adapt a winning attitude, one of a successful person. If you are not a positive person by nature, become one. Successful people are positive, determined, they have a never-quit attitude. They make mistakes learn from them, go on. You may not be there yet but you will be, believe it! See yourself being successful, do the work to achieve your goals. Hang with positive people not negative energy-suckers.
Excited about what you read in this article? Ready to be a BUSINESS OWNER – no longer just a BIZ OPPER?
Worldprofit provides you with the training to make it happen along with tools, resources, traffic, list builders, SEO strategies, and help and support every step of the way. We’ve helped people worldwide for over 23 years, to grow their own successful online business, we can help you too.
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