Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Feb 21, 2014.
Presented by the Home Business Experts at Worldprofit.
Teaser. In today’s training…. How to get one million ad credits.
If you are a new MEMBER you should start the Bootcamp Training. It’s your path to INCOME!
Click on TRAINING, then watch the two videos for BEGINNERS.
Then follow the instructions for each lesson to progress through the training.
If you need help simply submit a Support Request form, our Worldprofit Support team is available 7 days a week.
George then provided an overview Diagram that shows visually the various aspects of promotion with your Worldprofit Membership.
-Big Picture put simply: You should be SELLING things not BUYING things.
-Importance of free Associate Members.
-The Worldprofit system teaches you to be a marketing machine.
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