Instructor George Kosch covered a lot of material in today’s Home Business Bootcamp. He covered training basics, and provided updates on new and coming services available to Worldprofit Members.
What’s new at Worldprofit
George Kosch provided an update on new features added to the Personal Live Business Center (PLBC) The PLBC is now available free to all Worldprofit Platinum VIP Members as well as Monitors. We have now also made it possible for Members to add in their own links to the PLBC so you can promote your own affiliate programs, products or services as well as your Social Media Links. The HOT LINKS section is where you add YOUR links for whatever else you wish to promote. Ad copy is now ready so you can promote your PLBC to attract visitors. It is now possible as well to modify the text colours within your own PLBC.. Access the PLBC in your Member area under left menu, under WEBCAST VIDEO SERVICES then click on Personal LBC.
-Dealer Lounge. Members can now access the Dealer Lounge – it’s YOUR place to discuss whatever you like. Access is within the Member area.
Training Topics Covered
Affiliate Marketing
Safelist and Traffic Exchange Marketing – what you need to know to get results -forget abut all you have heard it works if you know what you are doing.
Consistent Daily Promotion. DO the marketing – but do it right. Follow the steps of the bootcamp training to promote every day in the right places with the right tools. We show you how in your Member area. Promote. Check your Ad Tracker to see your results. Repeat.
Where and how to easily promote ClickBank products
How to Know which ClickBank products are the newest and best sellers.
Masking/Cloaking URL’s: Why you SHOULD do this.
RoboForm: How to manage your passwords and stay organized and sane.
Retention: What you need to know.
What’s coming
Safelist Plugin – will be released shortly to all Silver and Platinum VIP Members. This will be an additional source of income for Worldprofit Members. The Safelist Exchange (Stand Alone version) is still on schedule for release at the end of November and available at an extra cost.
Restructured Bootcamp with 30+ Lesson Plans.
Here’s what George had to say, “Over the years, we’ve added modules to the training, updated the levels, and integrated new technologies and new software as required. Each week I was trying to cram into the LIVE training as much information as possible. I tried offering a Beginners Session and Advanced sessions but there is so much information to cover, and things change so quickly, it was becoming disorganized. We have added so many more products, services and software over the years to keep the program current, that we outgrew the original 8 training levels. So we decided to completely restructure the Bootcamp Training from start to finish to incorporate more training, more resources, more videos, and more levels to meet the varying needs and experience of our growing Membership.”
To summarize these are the upcoming changes to Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp:
-Expanded 8 Training Levels to 30+ Lesson Plans
-Members can progress at a learning speed comfortable and convenient for them.
-Continuation of the designations of CEC, and MCEC for Graduates of the training.
-Integration of even more tested proven marketing strategies.
-Addition of even more video resources and in-depth training on specific products and resources.
-Creation of bite-size learning modules for greater understanding.
-Addition of more advanced concepts for more experienced marketers
-Continuation of LIVE training each week as an adjunct to the training levels and for Interactivity/Q and A’s with Members
-Learning modules to accommodate the needs of Members with very basic or very advanced understanding
-Continuation of Report Cards for purpose of monitoring individual Member progress.
-Improved organization of topics, modules, videos and training aids.
-Expanded Social Media Topics and Tools
-More resources and sales aids for Affiliate Marketers
The restructured bootcamp will incorporate 30+ levels with the goal of explaining and demonstrating the 100+ tools, software and services available exclusively to Worldprofit Members.
What participants had to say about today’s bootcamp training with George Kosch
James: This has been great George thank you!
Diane: Thanks George A lot of info today.. so helpful as usual
Arvell always, great! thanks
Diedra: I want to thank you for all of your training and you have a great weekend
Charity: Thanks George, Great training…Have a Blessed weekend!!!
Eugene: Great session George
William sounds Great Liz: Thank You George Fabulous Training as always~~
Mark: thanks george, awesome training as always
Keith: Take care all!…great info!
James: Thank you George…. phenominal
Dave: thank you George!
The recording of today’s session will be posted later today in the Worldprofit Member area. Or, use this direct link
Next Home Business Bootcamp Training: Friday Nov 11th, 2011.
Interested in learning more about the Home Business Training and Earning Systems offered at Worldprofit? Details at