George Kosch started his LIVE interactive training promptly at 10 AM CT Friday Oct 12th.
Thank you to all who attended and participated in the discussions.
If you missed the LIVE event, it was recorded and will be posted later today. See below for access details.
Topics covered during today’s training
What it takes to build your own successful online business
List building
Splash Pages/Squeeze Pages/Landing Pages
Advertising Strategies (free and low cost) – best places for small advertisers
Cloaking/Link Shorteners – Why and how.
Worldprofit Monitors
Signature Files
Fast Cash Money Making Program
Separating the serious who want to succeed from the time-wasters
What is the real value of the Worldprofit Membership?
Not getting the results you want? Why that might be.
Not getting the results you want? Why that might be.
Sites / services referenced today:
Pinterest Training Course
Comments/Questions from today’s training program:
Beth: What is the difference between a landing page a squeeze page and the new splash page that the safelists are promoting?
Arvell : great lesson! perfect example, George. gotta follow the steps!
Johan: The recorded version of this session will go to my dealers for sure !!
Daniel: Even if you send it safelists, it takes time! Even if you posts to safelists you don’t get sales everyday. Maybe if you have extra money for solo’s and full page landing pages.
Travis: can you explain the most efficient way to promote a personal blog/website, as well as our landing pages? especially when you just start building our list?
Garrett: in the signature file is it better to show a link or a click here mask?
Vanda: Why isn’t our website url not included in the old promo stuff ? ie. Getting Traffic To Your Site Just Got a Whole Lot Easier!
James: Your Signature file offers a HUGE branding opportunity. Also include a FREE offer in your signature files
Garrett: in my signature file I send them to a splash page not the actual website good/bad?
Linda: I’m a lifer
Sharon: I’m not going anywhere
Susan: I’m here for the long run…..
Arvell: I think I’m in my 5th year.
Vanda: it takes alot to prove to people how good worldprofit is! too many have been caught
Inge: I know many gurus require a $ 100
Charity: It’s got to cost You something!!!
Larry: What do you think you would need to invest to buy a business that earns 6 figures?
Bruce: George is there a garden variety list/outline of 3rd party items to be purchased versus "free" items that are ready to employ …. i.e. additional credits, videos, or other promos at safelists, exchanges, etc. – I hope I am making sense here?
Closing Summary:
Reality Check: Get over the whole idea that you are going to completely automate your online business.
If you want to build a successful online business understand you are going to have to work hard consistently to get it started, then keep it going. Yes there are some time savers, some automation, and software that will speed things up for you but at the end of the day it is still your own brand of good old fashioned manual labour that will yield results.
Worldprofit provides tools, resources and tested strategies along with products and services you can sell to earn from home.
Access to Recording of today’s training: Later today, the recording of today’s session will be posted to your member area, on the TOP MENU, select TRAINING then pick the video dated Oct 12.
NEXT LIVE TRAINING with marketing expert George Kosch: Friday Oct 19, 2012
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