Bootcamp Update from George Kosch, Instructor for Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp.
Worldprofit Members! We have some exciting new updates for you! Read on to see how YOU benefit from these FREE new services!
1. The Article Publisher is ready!
We have now made it easy to instantly add ALL of the articles in the Article Directory to your website!
As you know Dr.Lant has been providing exclusively to Worldprofit Members, articles that you can use in your blogs to build content and backlinks to your site. This is a critical key component for generating traffic to your site.
You get these unique, timely articles (currently numbering over 100 titles) at no cost. With the new Article Publisher, these articles (and more) can all added to YOUR site.
To see the Article Publisher and get started, within your Member area, left menu, select ARTICLE PUBLISHER. Follow the posted instructions to quickly and easily add all of the articles to your site.
PLUS, when you do so we AUTOMATICALLY update your Site map, and your RSS feed for you – two absolutely critical steps for search engine optimization and traffic generation.
2. Today we are adding new PLR Store products.
To access these login to your Member area, TOP MENU, select PLR Store/Vault
Remember! Worldprofit Silver and Platinum Members get all of these products free!
Use them for your own knowledge or sell them to collect 100% of the sales.
If you are a Platinum VIP Member you also get (at no cost) the PLR Store for installation of all products on your site for easy sales.
Details are within the PLR Store/Vault section, and click on PLR STORE link.
3. Friday Jan 21st Home Business Bootcamp Training will FOCUS on BLOGGING, ARTICLE MARKETING AND SEO Strategies – DO NOT MISS THIS!
During this Friday’s LIVE Bootcamp Training – YOU are in for some specialized expert training on Blogging, Article Marketing, and SEO Techniques.
George Kosch will be providing detailed training on exactly how you benefit from blogging to build traffic and sales. He will also delve into some little-known proven Search Engine Optimization Strategies.
This advanced training is aimed at those who have graduated from Bootcamp Training and are currently Worldprofit Certified E-Business Consultants (CEC and MCEC).
This specialized training will be offered following the Beginners Session of the Bootcamp on Friday Jan 21 which starts at 10 AM CT.
New Members are encouraged to attend the Beginners Session of the training at 10 AM.
Bootcamp graduates are encouraged to attend the Advanced session that follows immediately after.
BOTH sessions will be recorded so don’t worry if you can’t attend the live sessions. If you have questions you would like George to answer then attend the LIVE training session.
This training is timed to coincide with the release of our new Article Publisher. If you had to add all of these articles to your site it would take you weeks! If you were to pay someone for unique content of this caliber you would be paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Worldprofit Members enjoy this value-added service at no extra cost, it is included in your Membership. Come to the Bootcamp Training and learn how you can maximize this benefit to your advantage.
LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training
Date: Friday Jan 21st.
Time: 10 AM Central Time
We suggest you get there 5 min early) Latecomers miss out on introductory remarks.
Access: Within your Member area, on left menu click on MILLIONAIRE TRAINING then on LIVE TRAINING.
See you at Bootcamp!
George Kosch, M.Sc.
Bootcamp Instructor
Worldprofit Developer