Love him or hate him, you cannot deny that Donald Trump knows something about investing in real estate.
His net worth is reported to be about 4.5 billion. Much of his wealth has been acquired from real estate investments.
What can you learn from Donald Trump’s approach to business and real estate investment that can be applied it to your online business?
Let’s take a look.
-> Over about 30 years, it’s reported that Donald Trump has owned or part-owned more than 400 businesses, properties, books, television shows. Of those, over 270 use his name in the title. Trump is well known for branding himself with properties that bear his name: Trump Towers, Trump Hotels, Trump Golf Courses and Trump Casinos. The Trump name (his brand) is recognizable around the world. He’s even got a luxury mattress with his Trump label.
Business Note: BRANDING is just as important for online business owners and entrepreneurs.
-> Sources report that prior to the launch of his presidential bid in 2016, Trump ordered his campaign staff to buy more than 3,000 web domains related to the name “Trump”. That’s a lot of ONLINE real estate and lot of valuable search engine candy.
Business Note: This is a good example of acquisition of low cost online “properties” and search engine optimization strategy.
-> Trump’s approach to real estate investments, stated simply is to buy low and then invest time and money into the property to bring back and inflate the value.
Business Note: The concept of buying low and adding value to increase the worth can be applied to online real estate. More on this later.
-> Trump invests and develops properties worldwide to produce multiple streams of income.
Business Note: To maximize how much you can earn online you want to have in place a variety of income producing websites, selling a number of products and services globally to generate an ongoing source of leads, traffic and income.
-> Trump demonstrates that results (and profit) comes from good research, and putting consistent time and effort into your investments. You have to be prepared to put money into your business and accept some degree of risk.
Business Note: Put the time, effort and learning into building your online business and you can grow your own successful online empire of income producing properties with very low up start costs and mimimal risk.
When he first started Trump focused on developing his brand, he worked on acquiring new properties, over the years he grew his brand, his business and his reputation. He understands and uses the power of leverage to make deals and offers to buy new properties, gain new business and to grow his revenues.
Business Note: When you own your own website properties and have access to specialized resources you can use this as leverage to generate more leads, sales and business connections.
-> Trump grew his business over many years. Love him or hate him, he has a solid work ethic. It doesn’t really matter if he inherited a good deal of wealth. He made the decision to WORK the business, not retire at 21 and sail around the world. He’s active every day in his business, he had set backs, bankruptcies and more but he is a DOER. He puts plans into action.
Are you starting to see how these business principles can be applied to the growth of your own successful online business?
Think about it this way. Donald Trump has earned millions of dollars from investing in brick and mortar real estate.
You can earn significant income by smartly investing in ONLINE real estate and growing your Internet Business Portfolio. Put YOUR plans into action.
You can be an online real estate tycoon!
Here’s how.
Now remember to think of EACH of these sites as properties in your online real estate portfolio.
1. Start with a primary site that summarizes all your business activities. Brand your site to include your logo, your name, your picture, your business name, your business philosophies. What does branding do? It makes you recognizable, it makes your products and services identifiable, it builds trust and adds credibility to your business operations.
2. Start a blog, or several blogs related to your specific niche market. Carry over to all your blog properties, your branding identifiers (logo, name etc). Start adding VALUE to your blog by adding key-word rich content related to your niche market. Be sure everything on your blog including videos and images and articles is about your market, your business, your niche and make it speak directly to your buyers and prospective buyers.
3. Create back links between all your online website properties for the purpose of traffic, and for search engine optimization. Then work on getting backlinks from other sites through postings, directory sites, blog commenting and so on.
4. Create your Facebook Fan page for your business, be consistent with your branding.
Learn about how to market on Facebook and tap into a captive audience of millions.
5. Create your Social Media accounts, YouTube Channel, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram etc., with share links so your content can easily be shared by your followers. Don’t be shy. Be a unabashed self promoter. Tweet, post, video, often with valuable content related to your niche, your speciality, your products and services. Rule of thumb, post often.
6. Create your own email marketing list(s) using optin newsletter services like that offered at Aweber, MailChimp and Get Response. Create specific lists for prospects and for buyers.
A house email list is a major source of income. Suscribers are real people who have joined your list and agree to receive your offers. So make them good ones! The money to be made by having your own list is mind boggling. Everytime you post an offer to your list should be money made from incoming sales. Don’t have your own large list yet? Buy solo ads in other people’s established good quality lists. Be sure to use some type of Ad Tracking tool so you know where your hits are coming from and you can just the power of the ad copy and the effectiveness of the advertising source.
7. Investigate expanding your online real estate to include ownership of your own Safelist. By being an owner you can use leverage to make deals, make offers, promote your own products and services, and sell advertising in our safelist. Your Safelist is branded to YOU, everytime one of your members sends a post, everytime you as the owner sends a post. Safelist scripts are easily purchased for a low cost. You will need some technical expertise though, so do your research before making a purchase.
8. Become an Ebook Author. It is incredibly easy to create your own ebook. Ebooks can be offered as free giveaways as incentives or offered for a low ticket price for mass exposure on Amazon, on social media and so forth. It’s one of the easiest ways to get your name out there as an authority, or as an expert on a specific topic. It doesn’t matter if it’s gardening tips, dog training expertise, money making strategies, golf practice tips, beauty tips, cooking tips etc. If you have a knowlege about anything related to your business, you should write an ebook. The How-To and Do it Yourself industry is alive and well online – AND profitable. Find your niche, then make money from it. Create a website for your Ebook, this is yet another of your online properties.
9. Learn what landing pages are so you can create lead capture pages for your specific products and services. Use your brand, target your niche to generate leads constantly. Always include offers on you landing pages to motivate ACTION. In general, people respond more often to free, no-risk offer lead pages, than instant sale product pages. Landing pages can net you leads and OPT-INS to your newsletter/subscriber list even if the prospect doesn’t buy your marketing has been effective.
10. If you are at all technical then take a look at digital businesses for sale. is a website that lists online businesses for sale. There you can buy and sell websites, domains, and apps. Check it out. It’s quite possible someone has already created what you want and you can buy it and take it over. Be an App creator, be a blogger, be a website designer, offer social media account management for business, handle SEO for businesses, put your services for sale on It’s endless how much money you can make online if you have a specialized or technical skill or expertise. This is get another source of income for you, another property income source!
11. Create your own Amazon or Ebay Storefront. Create this within your domain name, not an Ebay store using anyone else’s name but yours. In your storefront promote products related to your niche market and your business. For example, if you are in the dog grooming business for sell products related such as dog food, collars, books on dogs, fashion for dogs, Pet GPS trackers, pet insurance, and so forth.
12. Consider well known affiliate marketing sites like Worldprofit, ClickBank, JV Zoo. You promote the products to generate sales and the companies handle the ordering and delivery and customer service. In the case of JV Zoo and ClickBank, you can also become a product developer and get your product in their marketplace. You then pay affiliates a percentage of the sales they generate. Put the power of affiliate marketing to work to sell your product worldwide.
Appreciate the enormous potential of online income by having multiple streams of income. This can come from your blog, from advertising, from affiliate marketing, from sales on your website and so forth. The more website properties you have the more potential for income from a variety of sources. Don’t lose your focus though and don’t bite off more than you can chew. All activities you do should be related to developing your brand, generating leads, increasing your sales, and expanding your online exposure. Invest the time and effort in growing your online business. This starts with a plan for developing your online website real estate portfolio one property at a time.
Are you starting to see the big picture? Is the light bulb going off?
Start with one online property. Your primary multi purpose website. Then get a blog, not a free one, but a hosted blog that has your URL in the domain name, not the name of a free blog provider. Build value into your website properties by adding good content, information of value, articles, ebooks, questions and answers, ask an expert, videos, galleries anything that helps your customer, achieves your sales goals, and gets you better search engine ranking. Over time build more niche based sites, create new blogs, link them all together and integrate your social media feeds to your sites. You don’t need to have 3,000 websites, all you need is a few good ones initially that generate revenue, then add a few more over time as you generate income to expand your portfolio.
Stop thinking like a small time affiliate marketer and start thinking like a real estate tycoon. To do this you need a system for earning online, a plan for the development of your properties, and a continuous source of revenue from a variety of sources. Most of all you need support and training for how to do this in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of money invested. That’s where the bootcamp training offered at comes in. More on that below in the Business Note.
You may not like Donald Trump but if you want to be successful study someone who IS successful. Look at what they do, why they do it, how you can do it. Take from Trump what has worked for him so successfully in real estate and start thinking like a billionaire. Think about how to grow your online website real estate portfolio. What properties will you build or acquire? If you are short on cash, what skills do you have that you can turn into profit? How will you use leverage and branding to market yourself? How will you turn the first $50 you make into $500, and your first $5,000 into $50,000? Now stop thinking and start DOING. Commit to a plan, focus, then actually DO what you have to do to achieve your goals. One day at a time, one property at a time you can grow your successful online real estate empire.
Business Note:
For over 20 years Worldprofit has been helping people from all walks of life all over the world, learn how to earn online. Not just how to earn a little from affiliate marketing but how to build and grow your own profitable online business generating consistent income for years to come. Worldprofit has grown to be the #1 popular choice for online training complete with LIVE interactive training seminars, website hosting, specialized software, blogging, SEO tools, over 100 income sources, a reseller program, lead, traffic, advertising and sales assistance.
Get a free Associate Membership at
About the Author
Sandi Hunter, is Co-Founder and President of Worldprofit Inc. Started in 1994, Worldprofit has helped people worldwide grow their own online business with comprehensive training, support and resources from newbies to seasoned experienced affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs.