Today, we received a testimonial from Michael Harris, one of our elite Monitors and loyal Silver members. We send out a heartfelt thank you to Michael for taking the time to send in these thoughtful and much appreciated words. Here’s what Michael had to say…
" Hey all, I just had to take the time to submit a testimonial because I would be doing a great injustice to Worldprofit if I didn’t. I am just like so many others who found Worldprofit just in the nick of time or so it seems. I had been trying so hard online with no success. I have been a business builder for years so I had an great knowledge of what it takes to build a successful business. I understood it took time and dedication along with patience. I am the Overseer of our Church and we have many great programs to help as many people as we can. What caused me to begin an online business was that funding our volunteer services has an astronomical cost because we are not government funded. We feed 1000’s of people a year and with the economy in the shape it is, I had to find more funding sources to continue in our endeavors. Internet marketing was the next logical choice. And we have helped so many people in the past to succeed themselves I just knew there would be help when I needed it. Needless to say that the help wasn’t there and the support I knew would be there was not. Even in the churches we helped over the years, no support came. Now support to me is not totally financial but also providing information and resources as well. So many who were successful turned their back and others who knew what we were going through and could help, didn’t. So here I was seemingly so alone on this new endeavor understanding how to build a business but not understanding how to build an internet business and all the things I needed to be successful. Then enters Worldprofit.
When I first came in I was skeptical even though I saw all the things I knew I needed included in the membership. The first person I met was Michael Pachuta, the monitor on duty. Even though I had doubts he was able help me understand this is where I needed to be. Next came Howard Martel my Sponsor. I decided to call him one day and I just couldn’t believe he talked to me for almost an hour. Not just about Worldprofit but about my concerns and what I was doing. Then I heard the voice of Wallace Johnson, our resident Astronaut, his commanding voice and directive speech reassured me that this was a good place to be. Then came George Kosch our Custom Creator,who made learning a new concept so easy. Then I met the man, Dr. Lant. I decided to try become a monitor and day after day of Dr Lant scolding and molding me really made me think I had made a dreadful decision. But one day I had the opportunity to watch Dr Lant with a young man who had a physical disability and how he so carefully handled him. I saw another side of Dr. Lant and I knew he was as sincere as sincere could get. You see he knows what it takes to be successful and he wants us to know it so bad that he will not hold back. I was amazed that this man, who had so many other things and so many other people he could have worked with, decided to take the time to help me get on the road to becoming what he knows I can be. Wow, if more people cared the way he does, I believe the world would be a better place. During my first days alone as a monitor when I would have those struggling moments as all new monitors do, a young lady would always come up or send me an encouraging word, and even help me not make the ultimate mistake of crashing the ship as I like to call it. Ms. Linda Elze, I call her my guardian angel, because she was always there when I needed someone the most. It is always reassuring even today when I see her name while I do my duties. Lisa, Mohammed, William, the list goes on and on. Sandi Hunter wrote me the most encouraging letter when I made my biggest sale and then lost it within the next hour because of a bad credit card. What I am trying to help you see is that I thought I had only bought into a great business, but to my humbling surprise, what I actually got was a family of caring people. An element in my life that I had been missing for so long. A support system system and a team who actually believes in helping one another become successful. It is sad that I couldn’t find this kind of support from my friends inside and outside the church world, but I didn’t. But I know that God works in mysterious ways. And I know it was His will that I ended up here. I finally feel at home and not alone. I can only continue to give thanks the big 3, Dr. Lant, Sandi Hunter, and George Kosch for what they have created here and for their continued work to help so many others like myself. If any of you are looking for a place or a company to be apart of, a team and a community of like minded people, this is the place to be. I pray the I will be here for years to come but none of us know what the future holds. But whether I am here for another day, week, or years to come, it doesn’t matter. Because now I know that it is possible to really be a part of a community of caring people who only want the best for you and don’t mind pressing you into where you need to be. Dr Lant, Worldprofit has helped me to become a better person. And I believe this is what God requires. God Bless You All."
Michael Harris, Virginia, USA.
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