Building a successful online business means having access to TRAFFIC – lots and LOTS of TRAFFIC.
Traffic Generation Tools are just ONE of the services, Worldprofit provides to our Silver and Platinum VIP Members!
Make sure you are getting MAXIMUM Value from ALL the resources in your Worldprofit Member area for promoting all your online money-making programs, affiliates etc.
1. Promo Code Center
Worldprofit has made arrangements with a number of reputable traffic sites so YOU can get FREE Traffic!
You get access to exclusive promo codes you can use for free advertising!
Use the codes to promote ANYTHING you like, your affiliates, your hot business opportunities, whatever you are selling.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 10
2. Newsletter Marketing
Staying in touch with your prospective buyers is a MUST and a newsletter allows you to do this. You can send out offers, product reviews, contests, notices, or sales information to your newsletter list.
All Silver and Platinum VIP Members get a Newsletter System included in their Membership.
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 44, and look on the left menu for NEWSLETTER.
3. SOLO Email Blaster
You want to mass promote your opportunities and affiliates and we give you a free, easy way to do this!
All Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members get privileged access to the Solo eMail Blaster – so blast away!
Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 41
4. Traffic Injections
EVERY MONTH – both Silver and Platinum VIP Members get a TRAFFIC INJECTION!
Platinum VIP Members, your MONTHLY Traffic Injection includes:
TrafficCenter – 5000 visitors, 5000 banner views, 5000 text ad views
SafelisteXtreme – 20,000 credits
DragonSafelist – 20,000 credits
Ultimate Safelist Exchange – 20,000 ad credits + 2 Solo Ads To Entire Membership – Currently: 2805
Traffic Ad Links – 20,000 ad credits + 2 Solo Ads To Entire Membership – Currently: 4913
Silver Members, your MONTHLY Traffic Injection includes:
TrafficCenter – 2000 visitors, 2000 banner views, 2000 text ad views
SafelisteXtreme – 10,000 credits
DragonSafelist – 10,000 credits
Ultimate Safelist Exchange – 10,000 ad credits
Traffic Ad Links – 10,000 ad credits
5. Magic List Builder
The Magic List Builder is one of our most popular tools and is included in both the Silver and Platinum VIP Membership. This clever tool allows you to add a POP-UP Box on ANY webpage. The power of the POP-UP box is that it keeps people going to your own URL (website) to see both the page you are promoting and your Associate/Newsletter sign up box. So this tool provides you with both promotion and list building.
Lesson 15 in the Bootcamp Training provides you with all the details and a video overview of how to benefit from this service.
6. 16 PART Video Course on TRAFFIC Generation
Get 1,000 of visitors checking your your pages daily – find out exactly how! We bought this 6 part video course for our Members we thought it was that good! It covers ways to get free traffic and use paid traffic too – for whatever you are selling. Find this video series in your Member area under ADVERTSING/TRAFFIC on left menu, click on GREAT AD SOURCES, there you will find 6 sections of recommended advertising sources. Then on the top mini-menu within that section click on "1,000’s of Visitors" – that’s where you will find the 16 part Video Course.
7. Worldprofit Marketplace
Post your ads – free anytime – all the time in the Worldprofit Marketplace. Many of you are in a number of affiliate programs, so post them – one and ALL to the Marketplace. Your ads will be exposed to a potential audience of thousands – and growing – this is a new service that we haven’t even begun to start promoting yet. When we do you will be the benefactor. Find it in your Member area under LEFT MENU where it says WORLDPROFIT MARKETPLACE.
8. Search Engine Blaster
Submit YOUR site, ANY SITE, to our Search Engine Blaster at SEOOptimizerPro and your site gets sent to over 700,000 search engines, directories, classified ads sites, link sites and more. Get your FREE 7 DAY Trial now.
You will find the Search Engine Blaster in your Member area, on TOP MENU, select COOL TOOLS, sign up for your free trial there.
While you are in the COOL TOOLS section you will see other services that we recommend for generating traffic, so spend some time in that section, it is worth it!
9. Search Engine Optimization
On the left menu under CONTENT MANAGEMENT, select SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZER, there you will find tools to help optimize your site. But wait there’s more! On the left menu under MONEY MAKERS section, click on SEO Power Pack – there you will find 23 products to help you learn about promotion with search engines. If you want even more, click on SEO POWER PACK II and get a 172 minute video course which will take you by the hand and guide you step by step to getting hundreds of visitors.
10. Autoresponder
Autoresponders have been a round a LONG TIME and are still an extremely effective way to market.
Platinum VIP Members you get the Autoresponder included in your Membership. It’s preloaded with 12 sequences, ultra easy to use. In your Member area on LEFT MENU click on AUTORESPONSE CENTER to learn more.
11. Worldprofit Traffic Multiplier System
This tool is free for all Silver and Platinum VIP Members and it’s powerful! You enter a URL and offer visitors a BONUS for clicking on your link. The quick demo we provide shows you how easy it is to instantly multiply your traffic!
You will find the Traffic Multiplier in your Member area on left menu under the MONEY MAKERS section.
12. Sure Fire Tips for Advertising so you get the BEST results
Many of you are new to online marketing. Lots of websites pitch to you that they are the best place to advertise. They promise you guaranteed hits, sign ups, visitors, clicks and more. What do these terms mean? How do you know where is a good place to advertise and what is the best kind of advertising to buy when you are on a limited budget. How do you avoid getting ripped off? We reveal exactly what you need to know. Read more about this in Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training, Lesson 34.
Worldprofit is your HOME BASE for all the tools and resources you need to build your online business. Traffic, Training, Specialized Software, Legitimate Money-Making programs and Support is all waiting for you in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.
You can review ALL of the current 70+ Bootcamp Lessons within your Member area on LEFT MENU under HOME BUSINESS BOOTCAMP then select BOOTCAMP LESSON SUMMARY.
Join us every Friday at 10 AM CT for LIVE interactive Home Business Bootcamp with marketing expert, George Kosch. George will take your questions and provide on screen demonstrations of exactly what you need to do to generate traffic, leads, and sales. No one else offers this kind of intense, practical, how-to information LIVE every week.