Worldprofit’s bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch started the June 20, 2014 Home Business Bootcamp by…
Thanking our Monitors for volunteering your time to man Worldprofit’s Live Business Center!
In doing so you are learning about online marketing while helping others do the same.
We need more Monitors!
If you would like to join this elite group of people, contact Dr. Lant when you see him next in the Live Business Center. We provide the training.
– How to get started if you are a NEW member at Worldprofit.
– How do Worldprofit’s Top Sellers do this business?
The key to building your online business and succeeding at Worldprofit is to watch the training then APPLY what we teach you. That means actually DOING the things we teach you.
Some people like to just watch the videos and will progress through the lessons but never actually get down to DOING the necessary tasks that will make you money.
We teach you what do do, but it’s up to you to put this into practice and this means PROMOTING.
Be responsible for the success of your business. Your daily tasks include:
– Writing down the site(s) your username/passwords for the various site we recommend.
– progressing through the bootcamp lesson plans and DOING the tasks
-Do something to build your business every day. We teach you what that involves in the bootcamp lessons, this involves active learning, and consistent promotion.
How much money you make depends on how much time and effort YOU put forth.
What are you bringing to your business?
Are you a newbie or more experienced?
Are you organized?
Have you done any kind of online business before?
How much time are you going to commit to learning and building your business?
Do you have a budget for online promotion or are you on a tight very limited budget?
Are you willing to invest time and energy to make this work?
Are you realistic in your attitude? Are you expecting instant results or do you understand that it takes time and consistent effort to see results?
Featured Worldprofit Services demonstrated in today’s training.
Universal Bonus Builder (included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership)
Worldprofit’s Stand Alone Safelist Exchange (own your own Safelist) this is an OPTIONAL service.
Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder (included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership)
Worldprofit’s CB Maximizer (for those of you promoting ClickBank products this makes your life easier, time saver and profit builder)
This is an OPTIONAL service.
Worldprofit’s Fast Track Visitors (advertising co-op) we buy and place the ads then send the leads to participants in the ad co-op).
This is an OPTIONAL service.
What’s coming!
George Kosch revealed that he is building a new tool for you to increase your earnings. Those in attendance got to hear first hand what this is and how ALL Worldprofit Members will benefit.
Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training session today.
The recorded version can be viewed here:
You can find an archive of bootcamp videos along with a key word search tool at
NEXT LIVE training session is Friday! EVERY Friday is training day so SAVE THE DATE!
—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over two million people worldwide who already are at
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training.