We ran an audit on new member accounts, and were shocked!
After 2 or 3 weeks with Worldprofit some of you have not even started the Bootcamp Training!
What are you waiting for?
You should have started the training on DAY 1 – and could have had already earned commission!
If you have not yet started the online bootcamp lessons do so TODAY, right NOW!
Here’s how.
2) Once logged in, click on the TOP MENU where it says TRAINING.
3) Follow the instructions posted there to progress through the lessons.
If you don’t do the training HOW ON EARTH do you plan to earn money?
We TEACH you step by step how to make money, exactly what you need to do.
Some people who’ve come to Worldprofit’s training system have NEVER made a dime online.
They found Worldprofit, follow our training, promote consistently and they MAKE MONEY.
It’s that simple.
1. Follow the training.
2. Do what we teach you consistently.
3. Collect your commissions.
Please login to your Member area now and start George Kosch’s Bootcamp Training lessons.
If you need help along the way submit a Support Form. The link is on the TOP Menu click on SUPPORT.
We are here to help you 7 days a week!
PLUS we have LIVE interactive training EVERY Friday morning with GEORGE KOSCH!
We even record the LIVE training in case the timing is not right for you.
* * * * * * *
THANK YOU TO RICHARD MOYER for sending in the following testimonial – you made our day!
"Worldprofit Members simply do not know the value of what we have at Worldprofit with tech support.
George is the brains and brawn behind it all, and what he has accomplished in creating all the tools and training is amazing, but it didn’t stop there. He knows every piece of code in these systems and has first hand knowledge of what they do, and how to fix it. Let’s face it, with 2 million people beating on these systems, you are bound to find a situation you could not plan or test for. The gem we have is that tech support (George) is responsive, knowledgeable, and comes up with creative solutions.
I don’t know how many times these days I call a help desk, and just shake my head at the attitudes and lack of customer service you get. No so at Worldprofit.
I have quite a bit of experience with help desk and tech support functions so I know how difficult George’s job is. I did it, I built it, I know what it takes, and I had a TEAM to accomplish what George has done himself.
Tech support is one of those areas that has many unsung heros. The ones that care. The ones that take that extra step. The ones that are willing to work through a difficult problem and push for a solution that is satisfactory for both the system and the customer.
Worldprofit members: YOU HAVE THAT ALL WITH GEORGE.
People do not say it often enough. Thank you George."
Richard Moyer CSP, CSE, CNE
Retired Senior Member of Technical Staff
from Verizon after 32 years. (24 years in IT)