A BIG thank you goes out to Wallace Johnson for taking the time to share what he thinks of Worldprofit’s earn at home training program – after nearly 10 YEARS with Worldprofit!
“George Kosch has done it again! In a short seven minute video, he points out the necessary elements needed to be successful at making money on the cyber highway called the Internet. It starts with the purchase of a Silver Package Dealership in Worldprofit. I have been a Senior Monitor and Dealer with Worldprofit almost ten years now, and I highly recommend Worldprofit. I have been successful with it and so should you! The training sessions alone are worth the price of the monthly membership. Welcome aboard!
Wallace Johnson MBA MCEC
Apollo Project Test Pilot
(The Lunar Landing Mission)
Commander Spaceship DEWAJ
Thank you Wallace, you have inspired us all with your ongoing demonstration of what IS possible at ANY age!
Sandi, George